Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Goodbye's The Saddest Word

Hello Readers, you know today I want to share a story about "Good bye".
Okay, today I heard someone say "Goodbye". And that’s inspired me to write about this theme.

I am sure that we all must have heard the phrase "if there is a meeting, there must be a separation".
But when that happens, they will be two contrasting emotional state.  Happiness and sadness.

When first we meet new people, there is a sense of excitement. For example, in the office where we work, if there is a new employee is introduced to us, there is a sense of excitement, right here that new comer , new friends, a new network, we entertain them "Welcome to our office and enjoy the work". And when running for a few years, they became like our own family not just friends. because we shared so many times together as friends in the office, there is a kind of emotional bond between all the staff in the office.
But when there is one of our comrade or our friends say "Good Bye" because they want to leave us, and the reason is wants to find a new challenge out there (I mean is about to resign). Oh God, it's like being struck by lightning. Feeling very contradictory, right?  Between the meeting and separation.

Its occurred to me now. Today I heard that one of my friends wanted to resign, because he had decided he wanted to look for another challenge out there, for a better future.
on the one hand I was very happy for him, okay to continue your planning, everyone is entitled to pursue his dream, looking for something better. But on the other hand I am very sad, because I would lose one of my best friends.
You know Good Bye is the saddest word I'll ever heard, in fact it is not easy for me to hear that word.

For my friend I want to tell you, Thank you for being my friends, thank you for our friendship, it’s nice to have you as my friend; you are a good person that I ever met. And through this article, I want to apologize if ever makes you angry, makes you upset, or make you disappointed. I never mean to do it. Just remember the good side of me, and forget the bad.
As I write this article, I really ... really ... sad, and I could not do anything other than just shed all feelings into this blog.
I hope you will find a better life out there, pursue your dream and make it come true. As a friend, I support all your decisions if you feel it is the best choice for you. I feel happy when I see you happy ^ _ ^
I believe even though we are not together anymore (as a partner offices), but this friendship will continue (we still like family, right?). But the meeting was not going to often be a time when we were co-workers or partners.

I am sure when we meet again, you must have to be successful and you will tell about your success, amen.

Last words to you my friends "Good bye.... see you again, next time, au revoir!,


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